Signs you are not fix for a relationship

Let's exist honest girls, when nosotros are single we are very quick to say "God, where is my man? I am fix to be in a relationship". All the same, when we finally get into ane, the reality of being a girlfriend is, well let's only say, a trivial harder than nosotros thought.

For about of my 20's I was wishing, hoping, and prying to finally find "The I". And now that I take found him, I sometimes wonder if I am truly ready for a relationship.

Don't get me wrong. I dear him and I want to be with him. But just  because you want to exist in a relationship, doesn't hateful you are prepare to be in one.

The sacrifices, compromises, and challenges you volition face up as a girlfriend, and surely equally a fiancé or married woman, are oftentimes more than we look.

That's why I figured, I'd help you lot identify the signs that you are not ready for a human relationship. So, if you lot are wondering "Am I ready for a relationship?", and then this post volition aid y'all determine only that.

signs you are not ready for a relationship

How do you know you're not ready for a human relationship – 5 Signs

1. Y'all are not over your ex

Equally a relationship coach, I work with a lot of women that experienced a painful break upwardly and are at present set up to re-enter the dating field. Yet, one thing I learned from my work is that it does not matter how long you have been cleaved up with your ex unless you lot take witting steps to get over him you lot are very likely to go into a rebound relationship even years after.

Therefore, before getting into a new relationship you have to truly ask yourself if you are over your ex. Are y'all over the proficient times, also as over the bad times? Practice y'all notwithstanding concord on to pain or resentment from the relationship or to the idea of what could take been?

Because, if you don't have the necessary steps to heal from the relationship you won't exist able to connect to the new man in your life and the human relationship won't terminal. And so, if y'all haven't properly processed, discarded, and healed from your last relationship so you are not fix for a new one yet.

Signs you are not ready for a relationship

2. Yous worry nigh the opinion of others

The most destructive matter you tin do to yourself is to go into a relationship considering of other people. Whether it is because of your family members, who love to remind you that you are getting older or your friends who constantly set you lot upward with guys they believe are "cute".

If you deep downwardly believe that beingness in a relationship will assist you proceeds their approval and respect or if you subconsciously feel left out because everybody else is in a relationship, then you have more inner work to do.

Considering entering a relationship due to outward pressure level is not only unfair for the guy who may have genuine feelings for you lot, but also a sign of insecurity.

am i ready for a relationship

3. You allow your insecurities to command you

Depression self-esteem and insecurity tin really play a game on our minds. Whenever you listen to your inner critic, without questioning your negative thoughts you are at risk to be controlled by them.

That's why the conventionalities that a relationship will validate you or give yous worth is one of the virtually underrated just dangerous signs that yous are not ready for a human relationship. And one style to know if that is you lot is by asking yourself whether you believe that you lot need a man to be happy and savor your life.

There is zilch incorrect with desiring to be married, however, if the desire is rooted in a feeling of emptiness or dissatisfaction with life it becomes an idol. And then you run the risk to get into unhealthy or even toxic relationships. Because if you don't honey yourself and feel confident in who you are you will never feel at ease and antipathy in a human relationship and therefore subconsciously demolition the human relationship.

Therefore, y'all volition only be truly ready for a relationship if y'all tin can find joy outside of a human being. You have to go the one now, that you can attract the one after.

am i relationship material

4. Yous lack vision/purpose

A lot of usa girls abound up with a clear vision of our nuptials day, our future husbands, and kids. However, we ofttimes lack a vision or purpose for our lives exterior of that. While playing house an envisioning your romantic life is a good affair, information technology becomes a problem if you don't know what y'all want your life to look similar exterior of that.

Without an idea of what you demand and want from a man and a relationship, yous volition invest (waste) time in relationships that are unfulfilling and going nowhere. You will date men in cities you don't intend to live in, you lot will engagement men that desire a stay-at-habitation wife fifty-fifty though you love working and you will date men that don't want to become married until their belatedly 30'southward even though you want to be a young married woman/ female parent.

That's why if you just date for the sake of dating, without a purpose behind it, it'south a articulate sign that you are non ready for a human relationship, yet.

how to know if you are not ready for a relationship

v. You idolize marriage

I want you to be honest with yourself. Are the majority of your prayers, prayers for your future husband? Are about of your sad moments triggered by a feeling of loneliness? Then you might be idolizing marriage and relationship, which is not a practiced starting bespeak to attracting love.

The truth is, relationships are not a cure for loneliness. Even though love, affection, and companionship are noble things to desire, they are non the answer to your feeling of dissatisfaction and will not fill your void.

Considering if y'all allow unhappiness and desperation to exist the decision-maker you will repeatedly get into relationships with the wrong men and find yourself heartbroken more oft than necessary.

So, if you feel lonely and bored and believe a relationship might fix information technology, so you are definitely not fix for a relationship.

Did any of the signs that you lot are not set for a relationship resonate with yous? If yes, so ask yourself "Practise I want a human relationship, or am I only lonely?". Once you place your cadre beliefs about what being single and what beingness in a relationship means, you lot will know what y'all have to piece of work on. Because information technology simply takes a few minor mindset shifts to become relationship material.

do i want a relationship or am i just lonely

What does it hateful to not be ready for a relationship?

Simply considering yous may find out that you lot are not prepare for a relationship however, doesn't hateful you lot tin't get set up.

Equally mentioned in a higher place, there are many reasons why someone might not feel fix to be in a human relationship. Information technology's important though to accept when you are not ready for a relationship and not date or get into a serious human relationship.

Instead, focus on getting set up.

How to get set up for a relationship

Now that you know the signs that you are not ready for a human relationship, it is important to figure out to how to get ready.

And the starting time pace is to expect at yourself and identify whether your beliefs, attitude, and behaviors make you a good partner.

While there is a limit to the corporeality of self-development you can do every bit unmarried women, you have to ensure that you exercise as much as you can. The fact is, 1 of the best things you tin do for your future partner is to work on yourself until you meet him.

So, brand information technology a point to assess your beliefs, attitudes, and behaviors past assessing the health of your current relationships.


Past looking at what blazon of people you attract into your life, you lot can place what your subconscious beliefs nearly your self-worth are.

Practice your family and friends care for you with kindness or practice they display toxic traits? Yous have to understand that your romantic human relationship is not the just relationship in your life.

Therefore, the aforementioned patterns you lot observe in your romantic will often repeat themselves in your friendships. Because yous subconsciously allow people with the same good or bad grapheme traits into your life.


What are the emotions and feelings that govern your behavior? Practise you lot detect yourself acting out of fear or faith about of the fourth dimension?

By taking a closer look at your country of mind whenever you lot are in control or not in command of a state of affairs you become more conscious of your default reactions. Relationships are the playground for our ego, therefore, information technology is important you lot learn to become dorsum to peace so that you tin can respond, rather than react.


Last only certainly not least, I want yous to await at how you reply to the people around you. Do you show love and appreciation for your friends and family? Do you speak to them with kindness and gratitude?

Remember that you volition not miraculously change in one case yous get into a relationship. If you lot have a difficult fourth dimension existence vulnerable with your closest friends, chances are high y'all will accept a difficult time opening up to a man.

By incorporating salubrious, supportive, and loving behaviors equally a single woman, you are successfully becoming human relationship cloth.

Am I set up for a relationship?

If yous read the whole commodity and however aren't sure whether yous are gear up for a relationship, then the post-obit bullet points might help. Information technology's a summarized list of how you volition feel, think, and act when you are on the right track:

  • You believe in love and get excited when you think of it
  • You are open to learning more than about men and how they act in relationships
  • Yous are confident almost your value and worth
  • Yous are healed from the by and don't hold on to hurt and resentment
  • You enjoy your unmarried life and don't put all your hopes into a relationship
  • Yous are gear up to create beautiful memories with another person
  • You love yourself, flaws and all
  • Y'all are willing to be completely vulnerable with another person
  • You are not depending on someone else to make you happy
  • Yous don't wait anyone to change for you

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